
OnGuard P-22: 1L


OnGuard P-22 comes in a 1 L bottle and a 3.78 L jug. It is an effective residual insecticide. It contains permethrin and tetramethrin.

OnGuard P-22 comes in a 1 L bottle and a 3.78 L jug. It is an effective residual insecticide. It contains 0.2% permethrin and 0.2% tetramethrin.

Residual insecticides are sprayed in areas where insects are known to crawl or land on. Once the insect touches this surface it will absorb the dried chemical. This will kill the insect within a few hours. Even if an insect is sprayed directly with this product it will not die right away. This is because residuals work differently than a contact killer.
OnGuard P-22: 1 L is effective against cockraoches, ants, flies, silverfish, spiders, fleas, brown dog ticks and more! This is particularly effective against cockroaches. Another residual insecticide which is effective against cockroaches is OnGuard PNP. OnGuard PNP is oil based, so the residual effect lasts much longer when used indoors.

If you wish to learn more on Residual Insecticides, please take a look at our Product Information.

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